Friday, July 11, 2008

Where have I been?

Wow, time flies when your having fun!! I haven't blogged since June 24th,and it feels like it. Life has been fast and furious, we are only nine days away from our first preview service, with still a lot to be done. We are having the most fun that we have had in ministry. Everyday there is a new adventure, or a new snag, you never know what your going get from day to day. Things are falling into place, not in my timing but in God's timing, and that's fine by me (well sometimes:). The excitement is rising as we will be in our building this Sunday to go through a run through for next week. I just can't believe it's almost here!
Here's a shout out to our Launch Team, you guys and ladies are awesome, your doing a great job, and we are so happy that your on our team. Lets stay focused, keep our eyes on the vision, and press on. God is doing big things, and there are big things to come. We love all of you and thank you for your commitment to LifePoint.
If your reading this blog today and don't have a church you currently attend and you want to be a part of an exciting growing church that is looking to make a difference in the community, then come visit us July 2oth at 10:00am at 701 Adams st. Findlay,Ohio 45840. It's a come as you are environment, with upbeat music and an awesome kids program. So come check us out. Also you can check out our website at


Kendra Lee said...

Kevin, you are doing a GREAT job! Your leadership and dedication are an inspiration to all of us! I love you :-).

Anonymous said...

PK- We are so blessed to be apart of the Launch Team. You are doing a AWESOME job and LP is going to bless so many lives!!!