Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mission Possible

Every now and then I'm going to highlight a ministry that is getting it done for Jesus. This time let me tell you about Mission Possible. A friend of mine named Tara, told me about this concert that was taking place in Pandora, Ohio and that the band Pawn was going to be there. As soon as she told me that, I knew I was going ( I'm a fan of Pawn). The night was great, Pawn was great, but the thing that got me was the twenty minute presentation that Mission Possible shared about their ministry. It was awesome! They really got my attention as they explained the hard facts and layed out what they are trying to do in the Domincan Republic and Haiti. So I went to the concert, because I was a fan of Pawn, but when I left I couldn't stop talking about Mission Possible. That night I also had the privilege of meeting the President of Mission Possible Kurt, and his wonderful wife Julie. They are great people who love the Lord and serve Him diligently. Please pray for them as their task is huge. Here is a little info on Mission Possible.
Mission Possible has been around since 1979, starting off in Haiti. Then expanding into the Dominican Republic in 1987. Mission Possible has many ministries that they offer in these countries, and here they are, Christian Schools, Leadership Development, School and Church Construction, Community Development, and Short-Term Mission Teams.

Mission Possible is a hand-up, not a hand-out ministry. Those that benefit from our programs are expected to invest in their own future. For example, the families of students provide the school uniform and books and also contribute a small monetary amount towards their education. We know that a hand-out creates dependency relationships and an unhealthy self-image, whereas someone who contributes to their own success will value what they have earned.

How can we help?
One way is to contact Kurt at Mission Possible and see how you can serve the ministry.
Another way is to get involved with their Possibility Kids program. Here is some info:
Possibility Kids is the student sponsorship program of Mission Possible that ministers to children of Haiti and the Dominican Republic through...

  • Christian Schools that provide an excellent learning environment, high academic standards, and biblical instruction.
  • Nutrition programs that supply a nutritious meal every school day to nearly 3,000 boys and girls ( it is the only meal many children receive)
  • Leadership development that provides Godly mentors and encourages young men women to develop the unique abilities and gifts God has placed in them.
For only $30 a month you can sponsor a child and ensure that they will get all the above mentioned opportunities. Only $30! That's nothing to us, but a lot to them. Get involved and be a blessing to a child.
For more information you can check out their websites:
Call the office at 1-800-621-9731
If you want just click on the link on the left side of this page.

Like I said in the beginning, I went to the concert because I was a fan of Pawn, but I left being blessed and moved by a tremendous ministry. Check them out, they will bless you also.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Life Is To Short

Life is to short to nurse grudges or hurt feelings.
Life is to short to worry about getting ready for Christmas. Just let Christmas come.
Life is to short to keep all your floors shiny.
Life is to short to let a day pass without hugging your loved ones.
Life is to short not to take a nap when you need one.
Life is to short to put off studying the Bible.
Life is to short to give importance to whether the towels match the bathroom.
Life is to short to miss out on Saturday night or Sunday morning worship.
Life is to short to stay indoors on a crisp fall day.
Life is to short to read all the junk mail and emails.
Life is to short to be depressed.
Life is to short not to call or write your parents (or children) regularly.
Life is to short to stay at a job that you hate.
Life is to short not to pray.
Life is to short to be angry.
Life is to short to put off improving our relationships with the people that we love.
Life is to short, way to short to settle for mediocrity.
Life is to short to worry about tomorrow.
Life is to short not to follow Jesus Christ.

Matthew 6:34 - Therefore don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own.

Philippians 4:6 - Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snow Angels & Snowmen

Well it's Sunday night and the kids are all snuggled up in their beds as I look outside and see a big mess. Thats right, a big mess. Seven inches of snow. I know many other places received much more than we did, and I know we don't live in Alaska. I just don't understand how on one day we can have a sixty two degree day then six days later everything is covered in snow. The question I keep asking myself, is why do I live here? I could live anywhere in the world, places with eighty degree days, white sandy beaches, crystal blue water. I think you get the point. But no, I live in Ohio. Where one day you can wear shorts, the next a snowmobile suit. I don't even like snow. I used to like snow, when I was about ten. I remember playing outside all day in the snow, from making snow angels to snowmen to snow ball fights. Oh yeah, and the best part, eating the snow (the white not the yellow). It was a great time. Now, you couldn't pay me to go out in it (well let me rethink that) unless the price was right. Maybe one day I will have a change of heart, and I will go outside and make the worlds biggest snowman. But until then, I will just keep thinkin' Spring.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

What about church?

Do you attend a church every Sunday, twice a month, once in awhile, two times a year (Easter & Christmas), or not at all? Ask yourself one of these two questions. #1 Why do I go to church? #2 Why don't I go to church? I'm sure after asking these questions you had some great answers. Or maybe you just couldn't come up with a solid answer. Whatever the case may be we will go on. How do you see the church today? Is it a big building with a lot of people who use big words, look at you funny, and sing songs you don't know? Or maybe the message didn’t apply to the situations of today; the issues that you’re going through or have been through. For example sex, dating, finances, divorce, drugs, peer pressure, or just the ups and downs of life, to just name a few. Although this may be true in some churches, all churches are different.
I believe the church was put here to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To show the love of God to all that walk this earth. The one thing that is abundantly obvious to me is that church should be a place of worship. It should be a place that every one will experience the presence of God whether they realize it or not. It should be a place where you feel welcome. It should be a place where you feel at home. It should be a place where the refreshing Word of God is taught–not what the preacher saw happening in the hallway or some manmade doctrine, prohibiting makeup or pants. Hitting the topics that we deal with that are relevant with this generation, not four generations ago. And it should be a place where God is always present.
What does the bible say about going to church? Is this a must for “Christians” to attend a local church? I believe that it is essential as a believer to fellowship with others in a setting that allows you to grow in Christ (Hebrews 10:24-25) to be in an environment that fosters your personal growth. People are not perfect and neither is the Church. I think people forget that as children of God, we too have problems and situations that frustrate us, disappoint and even sadden us. The church needs to reestablish itself as place to build people up and not tear them down. There needs to be a new paradigm within the Church.
Times have changed and the Church has to change right along with it, based wholly on God’s word.
I don't know about you, but I want to attend a church that is relevant to my generation, now and the years to come.