Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Inked" Starting this Sunday

Starting this Sunday you don't want to miss our new sermon series; Inked "Going Beyond The Surface". We are going to go deep into pressure points of our life one week at a time. You don't want to miss this series as it will change your life. Also during the next few weeks we will be showing and talking about tattoo testimonies, everyone has a story. On May 17th we will end this series with a Hogroast and Biker Rally. We are teaming with Heaven's Saints to make this an outstanding event. So if you have a bike, bring it out May 17th and we will pray for you and your bike as you head into the riding season. It's going to be a great series, you should bring a friend. Also if you have a tat and you want to tell us about it, you can message me here or email me at we would love to hear it!!!
See you Sunday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Invasion of The Peeps

Wow what a weekend. The Peep Drop was amazing. I still can't get them out of my head, I had a dream the other night "Invasion of the Peeps". They just kept falling from the sky one after another. LOL We had around 2000 people attend the event, with 5 kids giving their life to Jesus. It was a really cold morning, but the key was, there was no rain! Received a lot of great compliments, with the biggest question being are we going to do this again next year. My answer to that is yes! Next year will be bigger and better, so mark your calendars for April 3rd 2010. Check out the video of the Peep Drop!

Easter Sunday was great! We had an all time high in attendance, with 3 people giving their life to Christ. That would be 8 for the weekend! God is Good! The worship set was awesome, the energy in the building was electrifying, and the people were excited to be there. We had someone tell us, "wow that was different, I loved it"! I mean how many churches can you go to and see the drummer light his cymbals on fire, not once but twice. Fog machines spitting out fog, and light moving to the beat of the music. While we worship the risen King! He is alive! It was a great ending to a great weekend.
I want to say thanks to all the people that volunteered over the weekend, you're the best ever and second to none. I don't know about you, but I'm ready to do it all over again:0)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

You're Invited

I would like to invite you to LifePoint this Sunday @ 10:00am for an incredible service that you will never forget. Join us as we close out our current series "The Peep Show" and look into Christianity and why this day "Easter" or "Resurrection" Sunday is so important. Trust me it's a Sunday you don't want to miss. So pack up the family, grab a friend, and head over to LifePoint for an unforgettable morning!
You can find us at:
701 Adams St.
Findlay, Ohio 45840
10:00 Sunday - 10:00 Sunday - 10:00 Sunday

Friday, April 10, 2009

Peep Mania Catch the Fever

Well it's the Friday before the big event! LifePoint's Peep Drop '09. Everything is coming together nicely, even the weather. Looking at just a few minutes ago it showed sunny skies with a high of 51. I'm pretty excited about that:0)
Tomorrows event is going to be amazing! We are dropping peeps from a helicopter, giving candy, face painting, games, inflatables, food, coffee (for you adults who think it's early), a guy walking on stilts, free massages, cotton candy, and giving away over $2500 in prizes! This is an event you don't want to miss, and you don't have any excuses to miss, because it's all free.
I want to give a shout out to the Cube and the City of Findlay for all their help, and to all the businesses that donated to the event so it can be a special day for the community of Hancock County and beyond. You all are awesome! Well enjoy the rest of your day and we will see you tomorrow with bells and whistles on!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tic Toc Tic Toc - Time is Flying By

It has been so long since my last blog, that it feels like I need to reintroduce myself to the world. To say that life has been super busy would be an understatement. It feels like just yesterday we were having our Christmas Service at LP. Now we are just days away from Easter and the Peep Drop!
Last Sunday we celebrated our six month anniversary, and God brought us a great gift of 104 people and two people who gave their life to Christ. Go God!!! If I tell you these last six months have been a honeymoon I would be lying to you. As we have had some great days, we have also had some challenging days. God has pushed us, stretched us, corrected us, re focused us, and dropped us to our knees. And I''ll say this, even though it hasn't been easy I wouldn't want to change it for anything. We are stronger, and more confident (in Him). We have more Faith, compassion, grace, mercy, and sensitivity. And the cool thing is God isn't done molding us into what He wants us to become. He is the Potter and we are the clay!
Sometimes when I take a minute to stop and try and gather my thoughts I just can't believe everything that God has let us do in just these six months.
In six months we have:
October 5th Launched with 120 people in attendance:)
Fed five families for Thanksgiving:)
Gave gifts and fed six families for Christmas:)
Had a baby shower for Womens Resource Center:)
Had a Weight Loss Challenge, the church lost 157lbs:)
We gave $157.00 to Mission Possible:)
We have been a part of a homeless woman's life as she has been transformed by God (Aidey):)
Aidey is now at Teen Challenge ( and I can't wait to she gets home, as I know God is going to use her:)
God has let us minister to many hurting people:)
We were in The Courier talking about the Peep Drop:)
We were in The Courier again (letter to the editor) about the Peep Drop LOL :)
We have seen almost 40 people give their life to Christ:)
We had 104 people on April 5th:)
We have the best volunteers ever:)
We have the best worship band ever:)
LifePoint all of you are the best:)
What is coming up:
LifePoint's Peep Drop '09 April 11th @ The Cube:)
Easter Sunday, an Easter you will never forget:)
New Series Starting April 19th Inked "Going Beyond The Surface":)
April 26th we will be baptizing almost 12 people:)
May 17th Biker Rally/HogRoast:)
And anything else that God brings our way:)
Like I said, the first six months have been truly amazing, and I'm looking forward to the next six months to see what God is going to do in our community through LifePoint!