Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Sport: People Watching

If you live on the same planet as me, you may have notice that there are a lot of people. I mean everywhere you go you run into people. And they are all different. By the way they dress, eat, walk, talk, act, work, problems, lifestyle, and etc. I remember when I was younger and living at home, my momma and I would go to the mall, buy a coke, find a nice bench to sit on in the middle of the mall, and just sit there and watch people. We would do it for hours, I started to think that we were inventing a new sport, instead of bird watching, or whale watching, we were people watching. We would watch how people acted, dressed, who they were there with (boyfriend/girlfriend, family, etc.) I think my mom even listened in on some conversations. I would have to admit to you at ten and eleven years old I laughed a few times at what I saw and heard.
I was thinking, as Christians, should we be people watching? Not watching people so we can laugh at them or judge them, but to watch them so that we can help them. The Bible talks about how Jesus is our example, and when I read verses like Matthew 9:36, "When he saw the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were weary and worn out, like sheep without a shepherd."
There are two key words in this verse, 1) saw 2)compassion.
The word compassion means to see a problem and being able to alleviate it.
I was in the grocery store the other day standing in the checkout line. I happened to be watching the lady in front of me pay for her groceries, then I noticed she was digging into her purse, then taking things out of the bag. Thanks to God I was able to see the situation this lady was in, and was able to help out by paying for the groceries. The lady and the cashier couldn't believe it.
My point in all this, is that we need to watch or look for ways to help someone out. To have compassion for them and show them the love of Christ. So I challenge you to take up the new sport of People Watching! And make a difference in your community!

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