Monday, January 12, 2009

LP 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge

So Sunday I presented a "30 Day Weight Loss Challenge" to everyone at LP. Over the last few weeks we have been talking about gluttony and how the church always seems to look past the area of gluttony, but when it come to alcohol and other sins they hit them head on. The Bible places gluttony right with drunkenness. 80% of America is overweight, that is a huge number, how can we glorify God with our bodies if we can't control what we eat?
So with the #1 New Years resolution being to lose weight we decided to present this challenge. With God's help, strength, love, grace, and mercy, I know we can have victory in this area of our lives.
When you give challenges you never know how people will respond, you pray for positive responses, but you never know. Yesterday at LifePoint we had just under a 100% of the people take the challenge. That means they weighed in and are ready to fight this battle. And they're not fighting it alone, they have God and all of us at LP cheering them on!! And here is another cool thing, for every pound we lose we are going to donate $1 to Mission Possible and the kids in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Seeing what I seen yesterday I think that check is going to be really big:o)
For all of you who took the challenge I'm praying for you daily, you can do it!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great day at LP! It was awesome to be a door greeter today and see so many brand new faces walking through those doors!!

This challenge will change the hearts of so many if the issues of gluttony are dealt with in each heart. I think it will propel our church to a whole new level and ability to serve God!