Thursday, December 4, 2008

Splitting Wood

Have you ever split wood? I have a few times in my life. We used to live in an old farm house and we would burn wood to heat. I remember when I first started, I was really pumped about splitting wood. You know, how manly it would be to grab the axe and go to town. Well after about two or three times, that was enough for me. I had a friend tell me one time "work smarter not harder". So, that is what I did, I drove down to the rental yard and rented a gas powered log splitter. I can't tell you how that made it so much easier. But after awhile, that also was not much fun. So then I just bought a cord of wood and called it a day.
On Thanksgiving, LifePoint had the opportunity to feed five families. Well, one of those families didn't have a stove to be able to cook the food, so a couple of families volunteered to cook it for them, then bring it over, so they could enjoy. Thanks Kim and Heather you're awesome! While at the home we found out that the family was heating their home with a wood burning stove. The only problem, they had no wood. Not that they didn't prepare, but that they had just moved in and didn't have the resources to get it. So today Nick, Brian, and I went to a friends house (Shawn) and split wood. And Shawn also gave us a truck load to give to the family. Thanks Shawn! After making two full truck load trips to their house, I looked at Brian and said "I could do this all day"!
Isn't it funny that when you do something with the right motive,the right heart, it all of a sudden is more fun to do? When I left their house I was stoked! I was thinking in my head, who else can we serve? Who else can we show the love of Jesus to? I was ready for another round, and it didn't matter to me what it was, they only thing that mattered to me was the people who we would be doing it for. Matthew 20:28 says, Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. That is what I want my life to portray, the life of Jesus, a servant!
As I close out this blog the only thing I can see is the smiles that were plastered on the faces of each family member, knowing that tonight, they would have heat! Thank you Jesus for opening our eyes to see the needs of people.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that PK. We all need those kind of reminders ever now and then.

Kendra Lee said...

Keep 'em comin!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome PK! I can't wait to be a part of helping people out through God. This is exactly what LIFEPOINT is all about.

Anonymous said...

That is great! We've got a tree you can have if you need more!