Monday, May 18, 2009

Biker Rally, Blessing & Hogroast

Today ended the INKED series at LP! Inked - Going BEYOND the surface.

Wanted to share some pix from today's BIKER RALLY at LifePoint. Several bikers showed up along with LP peeps - for a fabulous morning including a testimony from "Tatoo", awesome service with someone giving their LIFE TO CHRIST, followed by the BIKE BLESSING and then a Hogroast. What a FABULOUS DAY!

Emma ready for her ride...

Emma with Mike!

Even Joey got a ride around the block! Thanks MIKE for bring a good sport!

Joey - a BIKER with a ChEvY coat!!??!!

Can you hear him, "Speed, I am speed!"

Julia's ALL SMILES!!

Seriously, Julia is just TOO CUTE!

Ended the night with another LEFTOVER party, open to anyone - was a blast hanging out with some awesome peeps playing cornhole, enjoying a fire and kicking some TAIL in EUCHRE!

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