Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Invasion of The Peeps

Wow what a weekend. The Peep Drop was amazing. I still can't get them out of my head, I had a dream the other night "Invasion of the Peeps". They just kept falling from the sky one after another. LOL We had around 2000 people attend the event, with 5 kids giving their life to Jesus. It was a really cold morning, but the key was, there was no rain! Received a lot of great compliments, with the biggest question being are we going to do this again next year. My answer to that is yes! Next year will be bigger and better, so mark your calendars for April 3rd 2010. Check out the video of the Peep Drop!

Easter Sunday was great! We had an all time high in attendance, with 3 people giving their life to Christ. That would be 8 for the weekend! God is Good! The worship set was awesome, the energy in the building was electrifying, and the people were excited to be there. We had someone tell us, "wow that was different, I loved it"! I mean how many churches can you go to and see the drummer light his cymbals on fire, not once but twice. Fog machines spitting out fog, and light moving to the beat of the music. While we worship the risen King! He is alive! It was a great ending to a great weekend.
I want to say thanks to all the people that volunteered over the weekend, you're the best ever and second to none. I don't know about you, but I'm ready to do it all over again:0)

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