Thursday, May 21, 2009



Sermon Series: Special Guest Speaker this Sunday J!

Starting in JUNE… ONE PRAYER, God is…

LifeGroups: No LifeGroup this THURSDAY 5/21 or SUNDAY 5/24 due to the holiday weekend. See ya’ next week!! Be safe and have a great weekend!!

Set-Up – Just a reminder that SET-UP takes place here at LP on Saturdays at 10:00 am. We’d love to see YOU there J.

Car Wash & A Cone: The 2nd annual “Car Wash & A Cone” will be Saturday, June 13th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. This is a TOTALLY FREE Car Wash for the community, no donations accepted. AND, every car gets a Dietsch’s coupon for ICE CREAM! Mark you calendars to be a part of this event as we love on this community! **We need a couple of volunteers to help with small children this day so their parents can help with the Carwash. Please email Kendra if you can help with

Community Yard Work: June 27th starting at 9:00 am - ???.

Current: 6-12th Graders!!! Meeting the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 7pm & Bible Study on Mondays at 3:15 !

Giftmart – Start looking for bargains on toys and be buying throughout the year for GIFTMART! GiftMart is an outreach that we are doing throughout the year. We will be collecting new toys all year and in December, we will have a sale for the community that will enable low-income families to purchase new toys for their children for Christmas for $1-$2. Then, all the money raised will go towards buying new shoes for every child at Washington Intermediate School. Start shopping now – when you see good deals on toys!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Biker Rally, Blessing & Hogroast

Today ended the INKED series at LP! Inked - Going BEYOND the surface.

Wanted to share some pix from today's BIKER RALLY at LifePoint. Several bikers showed up along with LP peeps - for a fabulous morning including a testimony from "Tatoo", awesome service with someone giving their LIFE TO CHRIST, followed by the BIKE BLESSING and then a Hogroast. What a FABULOUS DAY!

Emma ready for her ride...

Emma with Mike!

Even Joey got a ride around the block! Thanks MIKE for bring a good sport!

Joey - a BIKER with a ChEvY coat!!??!!

Can you hear him, "Speed, I am speed!"

Julia's ALL SMILES!!

Seriously, Julia is just TOO CUTE!

Ended the night with another LEFTOVER party, open to anyone - was a blast hanging out with some awesome peeps playing cornhole, enjoying a fire and kicking some TAIL in EUCHRE!