Thursday, October 30, 2008

What's Up!

Hello and Welcome to this week’s addition of WHAT’S UP!

Sermon Series: This Sunday begins the LOST! Week 1 is LOST and Lonely. Have you ever felt lonely? If you have, you’re not alone. Come this Sunday and hear PK preach what God’s Word has to say about loneliness.

Time Change: Don’t forget to change your clocks Saturday night… or you’ll be late J. Or is it early?? Either way, we get an extra hour of sleep this weekend. Hallelujah!

New NUMBERS: Please make a note of our NEW phone numbers… Phone – 419-425-3649. Fax – 419-422-7095.

Trunk or TREAT: Was a HUGE success! Thanks to everyone who came out tonight!!! We met a lot of people IN the Community tonight and we’re praying that many seeds were planted that will be harvested in the near future!! Where else can you get candy from the toilet???

IN: Mark your calendars for the next IN event, Saturday, November 8th at 10:30 a.m. Meet in the LP parking lot. IN stands for Investing in the Needs of our community. This IN event will include random and planned raking leaves, yard work and winterization for families IN our community. Looking forward, we’re starting to plan feeding families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Details to come soon.

Set-Up: Dont forget Set-Up, Friday night, at 6:30 pm. (Anyone who can make it early, after 5:30, we’ll try to get done quickly so we can party at the Grubbies.) Anyone is welcome J!

Fall Fellowship: Tomorrow, October 31st at PK’s house after set-up. Well serve hot and cold cider, coffee and have some games. Bring a snack to share and your favorite game (if you don’t have a favorite game, I have plenty J). Call for directions 419-889-4711.

Invite Cards: Pick up some Invite Cards in the Café this Sunday so you can invite people to LifePoint.

Well, that’s it for now! See ya’ SUNDAY!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The ant has it!

Proverbs 6:6-8
Go to the ant, you slacker! Observe its ways and become wise. Without leader, administrator, or ruler, it prepares it's provisions in summer; it gathers its food during harvest.

Do you want to make a difference in your life or in the life of someone around you? Then pay attention to the metaphor of the ant. It amazes me that one of God's smallest creatures can become one of His greatest teachers. The lessons the ant teaches us can be summarized this way:
A - Attitude of Initiative
Ants don't need a commander to tell them to get started.
N - Nature of Integrity
Ants work faithfully and need no outside accountability to keep them doing right.
T - Thirst for Industry
Ants work hard and will replace their anthill when it gets ruined.
S - Source of Light
Ants store provisions in summer.

God has asked us to be like the ant. To be hard workers for the Kingdom of God without being told to. To glorify Him with our lives by not being slackers in this world, but by being people committed to an Attitude of Initiative, a Nature of Integrity, a Thirst for Industry, and a Source of Light. If we consider and learn from the ways of the ant, we can grow wise. Would you be willing to humble yourself and learn from the ant?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

LifePoint Launches

It’s official! LifePoint Community Church has launched! And what a launch it was! The service opened with a video of PK (Pastor Kevin) at the Neil Armstrong Museum talking about VISION, vision that President Kennedy had to send US Astronauts to the moon and that Neil Armstrong had to walk on the moon! That went into the song “Final Countdown” by Europe, but with lyrics written by Shan (who knew he had that great talent??). As the prelude to “Final Countdown” was playing, two LP astronauts moon-walked to the moon (the stage, decorated as a moon) and stuck a Christian Flag and a LifePoint flag into the moon. That led into the song, with Europe look-alikes – the LP Praise Band!! LOL! The hair was too much! Then, the worship set started, as praises were lifted to the “God of Wonders” because “Today is the Day, He Has Made!!” PK shared the vision of LP and the vision that God has for each person on earth, not wanting any to perish, but at all would have eternal life. He concluded that God launched His Son into the world to be the perfect sacrifice for the sins of mankind. The service concluded with the song “The Motions” by Matthew West.

The launch team enjoyed lunch and fellowship together after the service! Not it’s time to gear up for next week!! Let’s roll!

Thanks again for your prayers! Thanks to all the family and friends that joined us for this special day!!! That meant a LOT! Thanks to all who visited LP today! We pray you were blessed! Thanks to all who have caught the vision of what LifePoint is all about… Connecting the Community to Christ!