Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I came across this in one of the blogs I read. Check it out! I loved it.

Guerrilla Marketing

WebUrbanist is in the midst of an eight-part series on guerrilla marketing. The examples used in the series are phenomenal, and they make me wonder, "Why the heck isn't the church on the bleeding edge of this stuff?" Perhaps because guerrilla marketing campaigns can sometimes be intrusive, offensive or shocking. Or perhaps because we're just not thinking hard enough and sharp enough. Get your creative juices to flowing by following these links to your heart's content and find your favorite guerrilla marketing campaign.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Over the last few years I have been doing more and more research on technology. Years prior I really didn't have any interest in little gadgets, communication things, surfing the web, etc. Now I really get into it. I find myself looking at ways to make my days more efficient, or ways to better communicate with people.
The other day I found a new way to communicate. It's called Jott, (www.jott.com). There are a couple of reasons why I like this new item. First of all, if I'm driving down the road or in a place where I don't have anything to write on, I can call Jott, and they will take my information and then send me an email with the same info that I told them. So I will never forget a great idea! The other reason is if i need to email someone while driving or again in a situation with no email, I can call Jott, and they will take the info then send the email to the person that I chose from my contacts.
This is really cool. You have to check it out! And start Jottin.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What is everyone reading?

Last Sunday I talked more about "Defining Moments" Being Plateaued. Two ways to get off the plateau was to #1 Dream Again #2 Learn Again. One way to learn is to read. To read a book that stimulates your mind. So I'm asking everyone out there, what are you reading? Right now I'm reading Fusion by Nelson Searcy - Turning first time guests into Fully- Engaged members of your church.
This is going to be cool to see what everyone is reading!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Time to move forward!

I was reading a blog from Ed Stetzer (EdStetzer.com (1o)
this morning, and he was recapping the Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. During the convention Pastor Johnny Hunt from First Baptist Woodstock was named President. Congratulations Pastor Johnny! I know he will do a great job. Back to the blog; well read this and then I will comment:

Desire for More Methodological Diversity

"So many I spoke with desire to reach out to churches of different ministry paradigms. That is good news. Now, my only hope is that it is not too late.

Actually, that is not right. It is too late for many. We have preached out a whole generation of contemporary church pastors and they won't return. However, there is hope to connect with some who are still open and willing. My time with Troy Gramling, pastor of Flamingo Road Church (with over 7,000 in attendance each week) encouraged me that such is possible. And the scores of men planting culturally relevant churches (contemporary, urban, emerging, etc.) and many more seeking to revitalize plateaued churches give me hope for a future of biblically sound and missiologically diverse SBC congregations in North America. We will always be a convention of primarily traditional churches, and I am so thankful for them, but I am encouraged that there may be room at the table for other biblically faithful expressions of church and ministry."

I thought this was a good section, it's sad to read and see that in years past the SBC has preached out contemporary church pastors. I do believe this was and is changing. Over the last few years we have been in some great SBC churches, some were traditional and some were contemporary. Like First Baptist Woodstock, Bethel Baptist (Alabama), Fellowship Church, and NorthPoint. Seeing these churches is what helped us to make the decision to partner with the SBC. We are launching a contemporary church that is looking to make a difference in our community by changing the methods of how church is done , but not changing the life changing message of the Bible. So, to see that things are changing, for the simple reason to see more people reached is encouraging. Our partnership with the SBC has been great and I see this partnership lasting for many years. It's time to put the past in the past and "prepare for rain"!

Friday, June 13, 2008

To Much

I have been trying to decide what to blog about today, but there is so much I don't know what to bring to the table. It's almost like a tornado effect, everything is swirling around at a fast rate of speed. I would have to say that my emotions today have been up and done. I've caught myself trying to look ahead to tomorrow, hoping it will be better or at least different.
I'm trying to stand on God's promises, to get me through the day. God tell us to trust him, but there are days when this is difficult. It's hard to trust a physical person, someone you can touch, like your wife or husband, even if they are standing right in front of you. I don't like days like these, I wish they would never come. I need to stay strong, need to stay focused, need to lean on God, need to keep my eyes on Jesus.
I believe God uses these days to test our faith and trust in Him. So all day in my head I have been repeating this verse Isaiah 40:31 - but those who trust in the LORD will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.
Have you ever had days like these? What did you do? Throw in the towel, or press on.
I pray that you pressed on. Trust in the LORD!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Sport: People Watching

If you live on the same planet as me, you may have notice that there are a lot of people. I mean everywhere you go you run into people. And they are all different. By the way they dress, eat, walk, talk, act, work, problems, lifestyle, and etc. I remember when I was younger and living at home, my momma and I would go to the mall, buy a coke, find a nice bench to sit on in the middle of the mall, and just sit there and watch people. We would do it for hours, I started to think that we were inventing a new sport, instead of bird watching, or whale watching, we were people watching. We would watch how people acted, dressed, who they were there with (boyfriend/girlfriend, family, etc.) I think my mom even listened in on some conversations. I would have to admit to you at ten and eleven years old I laughed a few times at what I saw and heard.
I was thinking, as Christians, should we be people watching? Not watching people so we can laugh at them or judge them, but to watch them so that we can help them. The Bible talks about how Jesus is our example, and when I read verses like Matthew 9:36, "When he saw the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were weary and worn out, like sheep without a shepherd."
There are two key words in this verse, 1) saw 2)compassion.
The word compassion means to see a problem and being able to alleviate it.
I was in the grocery store the other day standing in the checkout line. I happened to be watching the lady in front of me pay for her groceries, then I noticed she was digging into her purse, then taking things out of the bag. Thanks to God I was able to see the situation this lady was in, and was able to help out by paying for the groceries. The lady and the cashier couldn't believe it.
My point in all this, is that we need to watch or look for ways to help someone out. To have compassion for them and show them the love of Christ. So I challenge you to take up the new sport of People Watching! And make a difference in your community!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Have you ever been in your house, car or outside and it felt like everything around you was caving in? The pressure inside of you was building and building to the point of total meltdown. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere you opened your mouth and out came the word HELP as loud as it could come out. Well I've done it many times. And I'm sure I will do it many times to come. There just becomes times in our lives when it feels like things are out of control, everything is going downhill, and we can't stop it or we don't know how to stop it. We look around, to see what we can grab onto. Something that we can lean on or cushion the fall. Only not to find anything. Then to find out we've been looking in the wrong places. Psalm 121 is a great reminder where our help comes from. Instead of looking around here on earth, we need to look up to the Creator of heaven and earth. He loves us ans is waiting to help us. So go ahead and let out that big scream for help, but then look to God and let Him give you the help that you need.
Psalm 121 -
1 I raise my eyes toward the mountains.
Where will my help come from?

2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not allow your foot to slip;
your Protector will not slumber.

4 Indeed, the Protector of Israel
does not slumber or sleep.

5 The LORD protects you;
the LORD is a shelter right by your side.

6 The sun will not strike you by day,
or the moon by night.

7 The LORD will protect you from all harm;
He will protect your life.

8 The LORD will protect your coming and going
both now and forever.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Defining Moments


Luke 15: 11-32 tells us the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The youngest son demands that his father give him his inheritance immediately rather than waiting for the father’s passing. The father does so and that son then squanders all his wealth on wild living. Poor and starving, the young son takes a lowly job feeding pigs and is very tempted to eat the pig slop because he is so hungry. Just then he has his defining moment while being cornered by his self inflicted situation. It is like being “checked” in the chess game of life. It is a sign that you are in danger of being “checkmated” if you do not make the right life altering decision. The son realizes that even his father’s servants have more food than him. He decides that he will apologize to his father and beg for forgiveness. The father, however, sees him in the distance, runs to him, kisses and hugs him before the young son could apologize! The father then quickly orders a celebration for the son’s return. The older son, upon discovering the news and party becomes angry and jealous. He refuses to come in and so the father pleads with him to join the party.

Every single one of us reaches a defining moment in our lives where we need to make a major life altering decision. Ever been cornered? Ever had to make a decision?

Sometimes our decision is forced by the secrets we hide. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, was a noted practical joker in his day. As a gag, he sent a hand delivered anonymous telegram to each of twelve English politicians which simply read, “All has been discovered. Flee at once.” Shortly afterwards though, seven out of the twelve did just that and left the country! You could say that those seven had their defining moment and were cornered and checkmated by the truth.

A little girl asked her mom how the human race began. Her mother answered that God created Adam and Eve and then they had children and their children had children and so on and so forth. Later, the little girl asked her dad, who was an atheist, how the human race began. He told her that billions of years ago humans descended from monkeys. She was confused at the different answer so she asked her mom whether the answer was God or monkeys. The mother answered that she had explained where her side had come from and that the dad had explained where his side came from!

Sometimes we can be cornered by pranks, errors or the truth. Today we are going to talk about the Parable of the Prodigal son. Parables contain very important truths and though sometimes we can be cornered by those truths that God reveals to us, we have to remember that God never condemns us. As the Bible says, “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:1).

There is a big difference between condemnation and conviction.



Parables yield up truth gradually and gently so that believers will receive a very important message. Non believers will simply hear a nice story. God will not force His message on you. He usually will let the truth be seen by you gradually and gently and so the ball is in your court. It is up to you to make the decision.

In the story of the Prodigal Son, the father did not lose only one son. He lost both sons.


The Prodigal Son is more than the story of one lost son. It is the story of two lost sons. But even more than that, it is mainly the story of a father’s unceasing passion for finding his lost children. The two stories or parables before that are about the shepherd that never gave up looking for his lost sheep and the search and passion for finding a lost coin. The Prodigal Son is about the grief of the father more than about the son. It is more than just a story about a wayward young son or an angry older son. It is the story of a grieving father.

The youngest son wanted his inheritance now. In a way he wanted his father to be legally dead so he could get the money. The father had money and property so the young son received the money and the older son got the farm. The younger son squandered the money sowing his wild oats. Sowing your wild oats will cost you a thousand times more than you think. It will cost you your time, family and relationships.

The young son spent all his inheritance and then found himself cornered. He was so desperate that he took a job feeding pigs and was so hungry that he considered eating the pig slop. He had his defining moment when he realized that his father’s servants had more money than he did. He felt that he was no longer worthy to be his father’s son. The two sons were cornered; one by his error and the other by truth.

God answers prayers in interesting ways – not necessarily in the way you ask. If you pray for direction God may not give you direction but He may put you in a place where you will have to find direction. If you pray for forgiveness, He may put you in a place where you need to forgive. If you pray for patience, He may put you in a place where you need patience.

In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the elder son was a workaholic and so had a lesson to learn. In the story, the father was sitting on his porch on the farm he no longer owned because he had given it to his eldest son. He sees his youngest son in the distance and immediately rushes to hug and kiss him without a word to him before the son has a chance to confess his sins. Though the boy had an eloquent confession already rehearsed, he did not get a chance to say it because his father wanted to celebrate first. His father had already long been waiting with ready forgiveness. Likewise, we might wonder about God’s forgiveness of our sins, but rest assured, God has already made the decision to forgive us.


The important part to God is what you do after you are forgiven.

The father calls his servants and they start to celebrate because he felt that his son was dead but now alive and lost but now found. God’s message is that we should celebrate homecomings more. We need to celebrate when people are checked, cornered and make a move to come home to Christ.

The older brother was not a part of the party. He was angry, jealous and refused to come in. Though he was amidst the celebrants, he refused to join. We sometimes are like that too. We can be keeping track of everybody else instead of celebrating what God is doing in their lives. The father knew that something was desperately wrong and so he went after the son outside the house and the one inside of the house. He explained to the older son that that son could have always had it all but he was too busy keeping track of everybody else to enjoy himself. The son could not even see the joy because he was too busy watching everybody else. The father wanted to tell him to kiss his younger brother and to shut up because they had to celebrate. There was no option!

We probably do have people, though inside the church, that are missing life’s party, right now.

If we pray that we need more joy in our lives then God will put us in a situation where we need to celebrate. Let us hear that little “check” in our minds and not let it become “checkmate”.

The younger son had a happy ending to his side of the story. Did the older brother have an unhappy ending to his side? Not exactly. God did not reveal an ending. The father is left pleading with the older brother and the story just stops because the ending is up to us.

Aren’t we glad that we have a Father in God that never gives up on us? So which sons are we? We are both sons. Sometimes we waste the gifts God has given us and sometimes we are too busy keeping score on what He has given others.

But which son is worse? Whether you are lost outside or inside the Father’s house, it is equally tragic. But the second situation is more difficult to detect because inside the Father’s house you can appear to be doing all the right things for God but yet be missing out on the joy of Christ.


So God is saying that the best and truest confessions and actions come after the forgiveness. He also wants us to celebrate homecomings more. We should focus more on celebrating what the Lord is doing in other people’s lives rather than our own. Remember, we write our own life story and ending, so make it good.

God does not condemn. Condemnation drives you away. Conviction draws you nearer. You can mess up your life outside the father’s house or inside. The truest confession is what you do after the forgiveness. The story’s ending is up to you and me. We write our own life story and ending, so make it good.

Questions to Ponder

1. What is the difference between condemnation and conviction?

2. Share about a time when you were condemned versus convicted. How did that affect you?

3. Share about a time when you were convicted versus condemned. How did that affect you?

4. Tell of a time when your life was messed up. Were you a Prodigal Son or an Older Brother? Explain.

5. In the question above, what were you convicted of and how did you reconcile that?

6. Did the father forgive the Prodigal Son just because he apologized? What does that suggest to us about forgiveness?

Letter to my friends

Dear Friends,

As you know, we’re in the midst of planting/launching a new church in Findlay. Here are some things that have been happening lately:

· Our team has been involved already in servant-evangelism. Last Saturday we spent the day doing yard work for a single mom, an elderly lady and two other homes that weren’t on the agenda (but were on God’s agenda J). Join us in praying that these will be seeds that are planted, will be watered and that these families recognize God's immense love for them that they might come to know Him and have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. June 14th we'll be doing a FREE neighborhood car wash... no donations accepted. Just want to be a blessing to the ones He's called us to serve!!

· We are meeting on Sundays as a launch team where we worship together, pray, and PK brings the word. The kids have an energetic and solid program they’re doing in the basement as well!

· We are renting space from Faith Academy of Findlay who is renting the old St. Mikes’ school. There is lots of remodeling to be done and our primary responsibility has been the gym. At this point we have finished painting the stage area and are working on the main walls… It’s fantastic to know where we’ll be holding our previews, launch service and every Sunday after that! We’ve got a lot of work to be done to be ready for July 20th, and we appreciate your prayers for this!!

While we are only meeting officially as a launch team on Sunday mornings, we are getting new visitors every week! This was not our original plan as we are following a church launch model instead of a church plant, however, who are we to stop what God is doing? He is bringing Christians who want to help connect this community to Christ!

As a church plant, a mission church if you will, we rely strongly on sponsor donations for the 1st year. Initially we told you we were looking for a two-year commitment, but with how quickly things are moving, we anticipate that need to be cut back to being self-supported after the 1st year. Maybe we’ll even be able to move up when we will take a group from LP Findlay and plant yet another church. The plan is to plant churches that plant churches. It is a proven effective way to reach communities for Christ!! We are blessed to be doing His work!

Here are some needs that we have. Would you prayerfully consider making a (tax-deductible) donation in the following way? You can also donate online at www.lifepointfindlay.com. Please tear off and return to LifePoint PO Box 361 Findlay, OH 45839.


_____ Donate Needed Items (listed on back): _____ Monthly Support (indicate amount):___________

_____ Prayer Team _____One-Time Donation (indicate amount): _________

Name ________________ Email ________________

Address _______________

Items Needed:

Sound Equipment Nursery Supplies (New or BARELY used)

Computers (for office, kids ministry and Sound) Projectors (2 for Gym, 2 for Kids Life)

Office Supplies (Various) Chairs

Furniture for Café PAINT

Cups/Napkins/Coffee for Café Lighting Equipment

Printers Printer Ink